
About the Native American Navajo Tribe

Studies states that the Navajo tribe migrated from the north about A.D. 1025, earlier than the Apache clan. They live on the largest reservations in the US, namely Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and a small part of Colorado. Because of their growth in population and commerce, it is believed that the Navajo are the wealthiest tribes in the country. 

The Spanish call the Navajo people as Apache de Navajo, to differentiate them from the Apaches. They were able to acquire goats and sheep from the Spaniards, and allowed their flocks to increase rather than consume all of the meat supply. 

Fun Facts:
●    The largest recognized tribe in the United States with 300,048 registered members
●    The Navajo language is spoken by the local tribesmen with a mix of English
●    Over three quarters of the Navajo population resides in Arizona and Mexico
●    Navajo shelters are called hogans – conical in shape and later hexagons and octagons


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